Секреты игры Come See Me Tonight 2

Категория: Прохождение игр

Come See Me Tonight 2 Игра: Come See Me Tonight 2 Платформа:PC Жанр:adventure, for adults Дата выхода:август 2004 г. Разработчик:Sekilala Издатель:G-Collections / Выслеживать Еще одна анимешная сказочка поведает о том, как один озабоченный школьник становится настоятелем храма и скупо любит по очереди всех собственных служительниц, которые обучаются иметь терпение, чтоб вытерпеть имение. Сначала приватно, а позже и всем скопом сходу. Аналогично иным хентайским интерактивным историям, CSMT2 имеет огромное количество очень особенных концовок, до которых вы можете добраться только, если будете выбирать "правильные" высказывания в диалогах с главными героинями. Какая же из фраз приведет вас в конечном итоге к очередной горячительной сцене, а какая к удручающему концу, где вам не будет никакого секса, а направят прямиком в серьезную монашескую школу, осознать можно только после неоднократного использования способа "научного тыка". После многократного рестарта, чтения одних и тех же занудных дискуссий и неожиданно-ожидаемого провала руки опускаются, и проходить поновой охото меньше. В общем, данное прохождение поможет вам избежать нудной рутины, поглядеть все концовки, открыть все сценки и даже поглазеть на несколько финишных, не побоюсь этого слова - оргий, в каких будут принимать активное роль сходу все выставленные персонажи. Правда, открыть этот кусок данного эротического опуса вы можете только, если сначала раскрутите на "неземную любовь" по очереди всех 4 девиц.
Итак, поехали. Ниже приводится перечень реплик раздельно для развода на интим каждой вашей пассии (нужно всякий раз начинать игру поновой), ну, и, очевидно, гаремного конца.

Начинаем с Koruri.
Избираем из 4 героинь свою Koruri.
"Rescue Koruri",
Избираем Koruri.
"Ill become a chief priest sooner or later",
Избираем Koruri.
"Dont work too hard",
"Thats not good for my back",
"What a kind girl you are",
"You can cheat with tap water",
Избираем Koruri,
"I cant help you then",
"Its only your first time",
"Youll get used to it",
"Dont put the blame on the bump",
"Minami, I think this is enough for today",
Избираем Koruri.
"Youd better make the girls mend their own clothing",
"Im sorry",
"Thank you",
"Its harder than school studies",
"I didnt choose to go to a divinity school",
Избираем Koruri.
"Let her do it",
"Koruri, youre so gentle",
"Yes, you are",
"Did you talk to Sheena?"
"Minami, you too?"
"Everyone is doing great",
"You can do well, if you try",
"Its just temporary",
"You have so much potential as a princess shrine maiden",
"A piece of cake",
"You can do it, Koruri",
"Dont be too hard on yourself",
"There is no use in getting scared now",
"Accept it",
"Apologize to her",
"Are you tired?"
"I feel the same way",
"Sorry, Im still in training",
"A part of my body is troubled",
"I dont want it to end",
"Actually, I dont care",
"Of course, you look better",

Продолжаем крутить любовь с Minami.
Избираем Minami.
"Rescue Koruri",
Избираем Minami.
"Ill become a chief priest sooner or later",
Избираем Minami.
"Keep up the good work, then",
"No problem",
"What a hard worker you are",
"You can cheat with tap water",
Избираем Minami.
"I was frozen due to the satellite waves",
"I thought you were better",
"Youll get used to it",
"Dont put the blame on the bump",
"Minami, its too much for the first day",
Избираем Minami.
"Is that so?"
"Im sorry",
"Thank you",
"Its harder than school studies",
"I didnt choose to go to a divinity school",
Избираем Minami.
"Wait for her to finish her prayer",
"Koruri, youre so mature",
"Yes, you are",
"You brought extra food for me?"
"Thank you very, very much!"
"Everyone is doing great",
"Youre doing great",
"Its just temporary",
"You have so much potential, being born in a shrine family",
"A piece of cake",
"You just have to get used to it",
"Do the best you can",
"There is no use in getting scared now",
"Accept it",
"Tell her honestly",
"Should we go to bed now?"

"I feel the same way",
"I know how you feel",
"Get up from the bathtub and have sex",
"I dont want it to end",
"I apologize",
Конец. Переключаемся на Nanao.
Избираем Nanao.
"Wait until people calm down",
Избираем Nanao.
"Ill become a chief priest sooner or later",
Избираем Nanao.
"Dont work too hard",
"No problem",
"What a kind girl you are",
"Ill help you",
Избираем Nanao.
"Yes, its serious",
"Its only your first time",
"Youll get used to it",
"The old Noh theater has more bumps, you know",
"Minami, I think this is enough for today",
Избираем Nanao.
"Are you practicing turning on the floor?"
"Im sorry",
"Thank you",
"Dont be so hard on me",
"I didnt choose to go to a divinity school",
Избираем Nanao.
"Peek into the shower",
"Koruri, youre so gentle",
"Thats not what I meant",
"You brought extra food for me?"
"Thank you very, very much!"
"Everyone is doing great",
"You are doing great",
"You can aim high to become the princess shrine maiden too",
"You have so much potential as a princess shrine maiden",
"A piece of cake",
"You can do it, Koruri",
"Dont be too hard on yourself",
"There is no use in getting scared now",
"Accept it",
"No thanks",
"Okay, sure",
"I feel the same way",
"Comfort her",
"Attack Nanao",
"I dont want it to end",
"Talk to me, step by step",

И на закуску шашни с Sheena.
Избираем Sheena.
"Wait until people calm down",
Избираем Sheena.
"Ill become a chief priest sooner or later",
Избираем Sheena.
"Dont work too hard",
"No problem",
"What a kind girl you are",
"Ill help you",
Избираем Sheena.
"Why cant you girls be nice to each other?"
"Its only your first time",
"Youll get used to it",
"The old Noh theater has more bumps, you know",
"Minami, I think this is enough for today",
Избираем Sheena.
"Cheer her up",
"Im sorry",
"Thank you",
"Dont be so hard on me",
"I didnt choose to go to a divinity school".
Избираем Sheena.
"Follow Sheena",
"Koruri, youre so gentle",
"Thats not what I meant",
"You brought extra food for me?"
"Thank you very, very much!"
"Everyone is doing great",
"You are doing great",
"You can aim high to become the princess shrine maiden too",
"You have so much potential as a princess shrine maiden",
"A piece of cake",
"You can do it, Koruri",
"Dont be too hard on yourself",
"There is no use in getting scared now",
"Accept it",
"I can understand your feeling of insecurity..."
"I feel the same way",
"Ill talk to her",
"Have you decided yet?"
"Take time to convince her,
"Fine, every night",
"I dont want it to end",

Осчастливили всех? Точно? Тогда добро пожаловать в свой гарем!
Стартуйте игрушку поновой и делайте соответственный выбор.
Избираем Nanao.
"Rescue Koruri",
Избираем Sheena.
"Ill take it only as a substitute",
Избираем Koruri.
"Dont work too hard",
"No problem",
"What a kind girl you are",
"Ill help you",
Избираем Minami.
"I was frozen due to the satellite waves",
"Its only your first time",
"Youll get used to it",
"The old Noh theater has more bumps, you know",
"Minami, I think this is enough for today",
Избираем Nanao.
"Are you practicing turning on the floor?"
"Im sorry",
"Thank you",
"Dont be so hard on me",
"I didnt choose to go to a divinity school",
Избираем Sheena.
"Follow Koruri",
"Koruri, youre so gentle",
"Thats not what I meant",
"You brought extra food for me?"
"Thank you very, very much!"
"Consult with Grandpa".
Конец. Сейчас уже точно все, окончательнее некуда.

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